People's National Association .

Publication until 05.03.2019. Publication 20.09.2023.

Publication 20.09.2023.

Code word for the static recording of all NGOs on planet Earth, отображена самой короткой интегрированной записью in системе кодирования BMCK (creator AIV)


Where:a1– Planet Earth; bo: b – The state basis is obliged to be, about-digit of the code of his number; co: c– Region, City with the status of a region and all its synonyms, about-digit of the code of her number; do: d – District of the region, about-digit of the code of his number; eo: e - Settlement to district, about-digit of the code of his number; fo: f- District of the city, about-digit of the code of his number; go: g – Street, about-digit of the code of her number; to: h - House, about-digit of the code of his number; io: i- Apartment, about-digit of the code of her number; jo: j- Individual, about-digit of the code of his number;


Where: a1– Planet Earth; bo: b – The state basis is obliged to be, about-digit of the code of his number; co: c– Region, City with the status of a region and all its synonyms, about-digit of the code of her number; do: d – District of the region, about-digit of the code of his number; eo: e - Settlement to district, about-digit of the code of his number; fo: f - District of the city, about-digit of the code of his number; go: g– Street, about-digit of the code of her number; too: mh – Administrative building of the designated authority, about-digit of the code of his number; mio: mi– Cabinet of designated authorities, about-digit of the code of his number; moped: m – Appointed authority, about-digit of the code of her number; p – Job title, about-digit of the code of her number.


Where: a1– Planet Earth; bo: b – The state basis is obliged to be, about-digit of the code of his number; co: c– Region, City with the status of a region and all its synonyms, about-digit of the code of her number; do: d – District of the region, about-digit of the code of his number; eo: e - Settlement to district, about-digit of the code of his number; fo: f- District of the city, about-digit of the code of his number; go: g – Street, about-digit of the code of her number; grape: nh – Administrative building of the elected government, about-digit of the code of his number; nio: in– Cabinet of elected authorities, about-digit of the code of his number; where: n – Elected government, about-digit of the code of her number; p – Job title, about-digit of the code of her number.


sj – Financial income and expenditure sphere of a physical entity

Financial income sphere of the subject – Salary, Pension, Privileges, Help

Финансовая расходная сфера субъекта –Налоги, VAT, % for payments
Финансовая расходная сфера субъекта –Продуктовая корзинка
Финансовая расходная сфера субъекта –Промышленная корзинка
Financial expenses
subject's sphere –
housing and communal services
UDPT – Management of the house and surrounding area
1.1.- zoyoxo,
PPG – Подача природного газа,
RPG – Распределение природного газа,
ХВС – Холодное водоснабжение,
DHW – Горячее водоснабжение,
TES – Тепло-энерго снабжение
SAND – Электро снабжение


Publication 05.03.2019.

People's National Association

People's National Association, (Further - NGOs) – democratic form of organization societies based on natural law, in a certain area, social relations between people, whose territory is governed on the basis of a law approved by the people by the bodies of the Legislative, Executive, Judicial Administration, who are elected by the people

NGOs эта новая система организации обществавзамен средневекового термина the statepoliticalform of organizationsocietieson a certainterritory, pолитико-территориальная суверенная организация public authority, aboutpossessing an apparatus of control and coercion, которому подчиняется всё население country.

The basis of the NGO social system

1. Человек и его права уставлены природой, (natural law), belongs to a person for life, not subject to change.

2. Власть принадлежит народу, cannot be transferred or delegated;

3. The state basis is obliged to be resources 100% belong to the people, future generations.

3.1. Добываемые и используемые природные ресурсы на территории ННО подлежат ежегодной оценке по установленным ценам для определения их общей стоимости.

3.1.1. Общая стоимость природных ресурсов делиться на число жителей ННО, including all age groups from 0,1 years to life, at least every month this amount is transferred to each person’s open account, are the passive income of each person and his property. В возрасте с 0,1 year to 18 years, the transferred funds for natural resources can be used by these persons upon reaching 18 summer age.

3.2. На остаток средства на счете человека начисляется 5 % per annum, их сохранность гарантируется страховой системой ННО.

4. В ННО существует две формы собственности – частная собственность и коллективная основанная на частной собственности.

4.1. Коллективная собственность, which unites to manage NGOs and conduct business, основанного на коллективной собственности

4.2. Контроль использования коллективной собственности и эффективность ее использования контролируются собственником части коллективной собственности.

4.3. Устанавливается обязательный процент передаваемой собственности для управления ННО – 10% from private property of a person.

4.4. Устанавливается обязательное начисление 5% per annum on investment, invested in business and cash, хранящиеся на счетах в банках. 5% for investing private property in excess 10% excluding natural resources 100% their value belongs to the owner with the exception of added value, at 45% profitability.

4.5. В ННО рентабельность в сферах производства, (business) cannot exceed 45%

5. Взаимные отношения в социальном обществе устанавливаются Законом, managed and are controlled by the bodies of the Legislature elected by the people, Executive, Judicial administration based on the Law with comments.

6. Выборы органов Законодательного, Executive, Judicial Department of NGO

7. Отношения между членами социального общества регулируются Законам ННО; Law must be concise and understandable for a person with basic competence, the mechanism of application and explanation of the Law is set out in the comments.

7.1. Законы разрабатываются специалистами в сфере права по заказу органа Законодательного управления после согласованию с народом ННО, sign the developed Law by the Legislative Authority after agreement with the people of the NGO.

7.2. Нарушение Природного права, including a human right established by law by another person, including by governing bodies has no statute of limitations, these subjects lose their lifelong right to manage NGOs, including receiving, any work in government.

7.2.1. Субъекты нарушители прав человека привлекаться в обязательном порядке к судебной ответственности, they are not subject to retroactive restrictions of the Law, their right to social guarantees by NGOs will be limited

Исходя из средневекового типа устройства государств и degradation system управления государствами для построения ННО потребуется определённый временной переходный период для его построения, example of required changes carried out in transition period on модели государства Украина


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