
tkj1 – Functional subsystem fIziological Contributions of the body Homo Sapines Terminal Automoted Governance of the State .

The main goal of the pooplocation, ознакомления с ходом разработки и внедрения tkj1, The main terminal of the legal state Ukraine. Следите з публикацией страницы tkj1, открыта 12:00 12.02.2025 Mr., ранее запланированного периода.

In the normal era of evolution and development of Homo sapiens (Xs) On the Earth, физиологически полноценное существование организма ХС в период его жизни является политика государства в создании и подержания нормальной среды обитания, путем управления и контроля всех без исключения многофункциональных процессов этой сферы, Для достижения прогресса в этой сфере, управление осуществляется ТАУГцелевой его функциональной подсистемой TKJ.

  1. Основные количественные физиологические
    показатели организма человека
a b c
The name of the physiological norm Col. Note
2 Circulation
3 The number of heart contractions (V power) 60-80 I'm
4 Sistolical volume (At rest) . 6,5-7,0·10-2/l (65-70 ml).
5 Minute volume At rest 4,5-5 l.
6 Minute volume When working before. 30 l
7 Electrocardiogram:
8 The duration of the PQ interval – 0,12-0,18 from;
9 The duration of the QRS interval – 0,06-0,09 from;
10 The duration of the entire cycle – 0,75-1,0 from.
11 Blood pressure (in the age 16-45 years):
12 Maximum – 110-126 mm Hg. Art.
13 minimal – 60-85 mm Hg. Art.
14 Pressure in the capillaries – 30-10 mm Hg. Art.
15 Average blood flow rate:
16 in large arteries – 0,5 m/s;
17 in a middle -caliber veins – 0,06-0,14 m/s (60-140 mm / s);
18 In hollow veins – 0,2 m/s (200 mm / s);
19 In capillaries – 0,5·10-3 m/s.
20 The speed of the pulse wave in the arteries 6-9 m/s.
21 The minimum time of the full circulation of blood 20-23 from.
22 Blood
23 Plasma volume – 55-60%.
24 Plasma protein content – around 7,2%;
25 Whey of albumin – 4%;
26 Wheel globulin – 2,8%;
27 fibrinogen – 0,4%.
28 Protein content in the lymph – 0,3-4%.
29 Protein content in cerebrospinal fluid – 0,02%.
30 The content of mineral salts in the blood 0,9-0,95%.
31 Blood glucose content – 4,44-6,66 mmol/l (80-120 MG%).
32 The osmotic plasma pressure – around 7,5 atm.
33 Freezing point a blood – 0,56 °C.
34 The osmotic plasma pressure – 25-30 mm Hg. Art.
35 Specific weight of blood – 1,050-1,060.
36 The number of red blood cells in the blood:
37 in men – 4,5-5,0·1012/l (4 500 000-5 000 000 in 1 mm³);
38 In women – 4,0-4,5·1012/l (4000 000-4 500 000 in 1 mm³).
39 The content of hemoglobin:
40 in men – 7,7-8,1 mmol/l (135-140 g/l; 78-82 unit. On Sali);
41 In women – 7,0-7,4 mmol/l (125-130 g/l; 70-75 unit. On Sali).
42 The number of platelets in the blood – around 300·109/l (300 000 in 1 mm²).
43 Ery blood cell settlement rate (ESR):
44 in men 110 mms;
45 In women 2-15 mms (During pregnancy before 45 mms).
46 The number of leukocytes in the blood 4-9· 10% / l (4000-9000 in 1 mm3).
47 Basophiles 0-0,01-109/l (0-1%).
48 Eosinophils 0,02-0,04·109/l (2-4%)



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  1. Circulation
  2. The number of heart contractions (At rest) 60-80 per minute.
  3. Sistolical volume (At rest) 6,5-7,0·10-2/l (65-70 ml).
  4. Minute volume At rest 4,5-5 l.
  5. Minute volume When working before 30 l.
  6. Electrocardiogram:
  7. The duration of the PQ interval – 0,12-0,18 from;
  8. The duration of the QRS interval – 0,06-0,09 from;
  9. The duration of the entire cycle – 0,75-1,0 from.
  10. Blood pressure (in the age 16-45 years):
  11. Maximum – 110-126 mm Hg. Art.;
  12. minimal – 60-85 mm Hg. Art.
  13. Pressure in the capillaries – 30-10 mm Hg. Art.
  14. Average blood flow rate:
  15. in large arteries – 0,5 m/s;
  16. in a middle -caliber veins – 0,06-0,14 m/s (60-140 mm / s);
  17. In hollow veins – 0,2 m/s (200 mm / s);
  18. In capillaries – 0,5·10-3 m/s.
  19. The speed of the pulse wave in the arteries 6-9 m/s.
  20. The minimum time of the full circulation of blood 20-23 from.
  21. Blood
  22. Plasma volume – 55-60%.
  23. Plasma protein content – around 7,2%;
  24. Whey of albumin – 4%;
  25. Wheel globulin – 2,8%;
  26. fibrinogen – 0,4%.
  27. Protein content in the lymph – 0,3-4%.
  28. Protein content in cerebrospinal fluid – 0,02%.
  29. The content of mineral salts in the blood – 0,9-0,95%.
  30. Blood glucose content – 4,44-6,66 mmol/l (80-120 MG%).
  31. The osmotic plasma pressure – around 7,5 atm.
  32. Freezing point a blood – 0,56 °C.
  33. The osmotic plasma pressure – 25-30 mm Hg. Art.
  34. Specific weight of blood – 1,050-1,060.
  35. The number of red blood cells in the blood:
  36. in men – 4,5-5,0·1012/l (4 500 000-5 000 000 in 1 mm³);
  37. In women – 4,0-4,5·1012/l (4000 000-4 500 000 in 1 mm³).
  38. The content of hemoglobin:
  39. in men – 7,7-8,1 mmol/l (135-140 g/l; 78-82 unit. On Sali);
  40. In women – 7,0-7,4 mmol/l (125-130 g/l; 70-75 unit. On Sali).
  41. The number of platelets in the blood – About 300 · 109/l (300 000 in 1 mm²).
  42. Ery blood cell settlement rate (ESR):
  43. in men 110 mms;
  44. In women 2-15 mms (During pregnancy before 45 mms).
  45. The number of leukocytes in the blood 4-9· 10% / l (4000-9000 in 1 mm3).
  46. Basophiles 0-0,01-109/l (0-1%).
  47. Eosinophils 0,02-0,04·109/l (2-4%).
  48. Neutrophils:
  49. Myelocytes 0 (0%);
  50. Metamelocytes 0-0.01 · 109/l (0-1%);
  51. Broke-core 0.01-0.05 · 109/l (1-5%);
  52. segmented 5.0-7.0 · 109/l (50-70%).
  53. Lymphocytes 0,20-0,40 (20-40%)
  54. Monocytes 0,02-0,10·109/l (2-10%)
  55. The total amount of blood 6,5-7% From body weight.
  56. Breath
  57. Life capacity of the lungs 3-5 l (3000-5000 ml).
  58. Respiratory volume of inspiration 1,5-3,0 l (1500-3000 ml).
  59. The backup volume of exhalation 1,5 l (1000-1500 ml).
  60. Residual air 0,8-1,7 l (800-1700 ml).
  61. The number of breaths in adults At rest 16-20 per minute.
  62. Pulmonary ventilation in adults:
  63. At rest 0,1-0,7 p/s (6-10 l / min);
  64. When working 0,83-1,67 p/s (50-100 l / min)
  65. Intrapleural negative pressure:
  66. With inhalation 1,2 KPA (9 mm Hg. Art.);
  67. when exhaling 0,8 KPA (6 mm Hg. Art.).
  68. The content of oxygen and carbon dioxide, respectively:
  69. в атмосферном воздухе 20,94% and 0,03%;
  70. в выдыхаемом воздухе 16,3% and around 4%;
  71. In the alveolar air 14,2-14,6% and 5,2-5,7%.
  72. Partial pressure of oxygen In the alveolar air 14,7 KPA (110 mm Hg. Art.)
  73. Partial carbon dioxide pressure In the alveolar air 5,3 KPA (40 mm Hg. Art.)
  74. Oxygen tension:
  75. in arterial blood 13,3 KPA (around 100 mm Hg. Art.);
  76. в венозной крови 5,3-6,0 KPA (40-45 mm Hg. Art.).
  77. Carbon dioxide voltage:
  78. in arterial blood 5,3 KPA (40 mm Hg. Art.);
  79. in venous blood 6,3 KPA (47 mm Hg. Art.).
  80. Oxygen disposal coefficient:
  81. alone around 40%;
  82. When working 50-60%.
  83. Nutrition
  84. The digestibility of mixed food 82-90%.
  85. The norm of protein in the diet With easy work 80-100 g per day.
  86. Caloric coefficient:
  87. 1 G squirrel about 17 J. (4,1 stay).
  88. 1 g fat about 38 J. (9,3 stay).
  89. 1 G carbohydrate about 17 J. (4,1 stay).
  90. Daily need for vitamins:
  91. ascorbic acid 25-50 mg;
  92. Vitamin B1 around 1 mg;
  93. Nicotinic acid around 50 mg;
  94. carotene around 1 mg;
  95. Digestive juices
  96. Saliva. Number per day 500-2000 ml,
  97. specific gravity 1,002 1.020,
  98. pH 5,6-7,63- water (%) 99,14-99,42,
  99. amylase (mg / ml) – 1/10
  100. Gastric juice.
  101. Number per day 2,0-3,0,
  102. specific gravity 1,004-1,010, pH 1,49-1.8.
  103. water (%) 99,4,
  104. hydrochloric acid (MAKV/l):
  105. General 46,0-118.3,
  106. Free 0-115,0,
  107. lipase (ed / ml) 7,0-8,4,
  108. lysocome (mkg / ml) 7,57 (2,6-19.2),
  109. Pepsin (hemoglobin units per hour) 0-35.
  110. Pancreatic juice.
  111. Quantity (ml/day) 600, 0-700,0,
  112. weight 1,025- 1,014, RN-8, 6-9,0, water (%) 98,7,
  113. amylase enzymes, lipase, phosphatase, Tripsin, chemopripsin et al.
  114. Bubble bile.
  115. Number per day 500,0-1200,0 ml,
  116. specific gravity 1.011-1032,
  117. liver 1,008-1,015,
  118. pH (respectively) 5,6-8,0 and 6,2-8,5,
  119. water 85,92 and 97,48,
  120. bilirubin, cholesterol, Fat neutral, Fatty acids, letsite, phosphate, phospholippide, Kholin.
  121. Squip the small intestine.
  122. Number per day near 1000,0 ml,
  123. pH 5,05-7,07, water (%) On average 97,5,
  124. Saharaza, lactase, erodin, Entercinase, lipase, Ribonucleaza et al.
  125. The juice of the large intestine.
  126. Number per day 270, 0-1550,0 ml. RN-6,1-7.31,
  127. water (%)86,4-93,9
  128. Metabolism and energy
  129. Oxygen absorption (At rest) 250-400 ml/min.
  130. The release of carbon dioxide (At rest) 200-300 ml/min.
  131. Respiratory coefficient With mixed food 0,82-0,9.
  132. The main exchange of an adult around 7.12 kJ (1700 stay)
  133. per day (around 4 J. 1,0-1,1
  134. mud at 1 kg body weight per hour).
  135. Energy exchange:
  136. With easy work 8,37-12,56 kJ (2000-3000 stay)
  137. When working medium severity12.56-14.65 kJ (3000-3500 stay)
  138. при тяжелой работе 14,65-25,12 kJ (3500-6000 stay).
  139. Urine
  140. Daily quantity 1-1,5 l.
  141. Specific gravity 1010-1025.
  142. The amount of urea 1,5-2%.
  143. Daily selection:
  144. Urea 333-500 mmol (20-30 Mr.);
  145. uric acid 3,0-5,9 mmol (0,5-1 r);
  146. ammonia 17,6-70,5 mmol (0,3-1,2 Mr);
  147. chloride 282-451 mmol (10-16 Mr).
  148. Senses
  149. Sound vibration frequencies, audible to man 16-20000 Hz.
  150. The maximum volume level 13-14 Waist,
  151. The near point of clear vision 0,1 m (10 cm)
  152. The power of accommodation is near 10 D.
  153. The diameter of the yellow spot is about 0.5 · 10-3 m (0,5 mm)

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