Category: r1tb168

On the elimination of the war on the PZ

On the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, Just and ProspeRous World it will build a more peaceful, A fair and prosperous world let's be a postpartum painful, fair and prosperous world. — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES О ликвидации войны на планете Земля


Varyvoda Anatoly Yosypovych

  On navigation on the pages of the CHASV portal on the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, Just and ProspeRous World it will build a more peaceful, A fair and prosperous world let's be a postpartum painful, fair and prosperous world. —…



On the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, Just and ProspeRous World it will build a more peaceful, A fair and prosperous world let's be a postpartum painful, fair and prosperous world. — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES До́нальд Джон Трамп (DJT) to him…



On the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, Just and ProspeRous World it will build a more peaceful, A fair and prosperous world let's be a postpartum painful, fair and prosperous world. — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES JRB – Joseph (Joe) Robinette Biden,…



On the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, Just and ProspeRous World it will build a more peaceful, A fair and prosperous world let's be a postpartum painful, fair and prosperous world. — ANTÓNIO GUTERRES Инаугурационная речь Президента Украины Владимира Зеленского



ОбAMOG – António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres (port.), AMOG (amog) – António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres (Russian), AMOG (amog) António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres (Ukrainian). On the elimination of war on planet Earth Lt’s Build the More Peaceful, just and prosperous world…