
Universe (Universe) is a term, на деле это идеальная система многомерного пространства, having no point of beginning and end - this is infinity in macro, micro time and space, this is all, what is around and inside us, exists independently of us, is in continuous macro, micro motion, during certain periods of which, separately, in every space, changes and transformation occur. The entire system of the Universe functions according to an ideal, unchanging Automatic dynamic algorithm of the Universe (MAN). In order not to offend ancestors, ADAM is the last letter AT (Universe), replaced by M – (Universe), this is intentional, чтобы не развивать дискуссию относительно божественного происхождении человечества, namely from father Adam and mother Eve, male and female principles of every newly emerged living matter, you need to remember, что у каждого из жившего и живущего субъекта (human) – there are its creators - father and mother)

Universe (Universe) created by the Supreme Mind.

Created by the Supreme Mind ADAM and the matter of the universe (of the universe) launched once, exists infinitely in time and space, will increase in size. When? Where? Not known! Less? By a higher mind, which is infinite in time and space.

Based on the perceivable elements of the Universe (Universe), as well as known processes, that occur in the Universe, Fig. 1 provides an intuitively flat graphical model of the existing Universe, Below, a three-dimensional model of the universe will be presented by description.


Mmodel of the universe one can imagine, as moving matter along an elliptical spiral trajectory infinite in time and space, When moving, the elements of matter are periodically transformed, transformation occurs in electronic electrical magnetic macro and micro time and increasing in space, endlessly.


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