Ideology HS PZ

Ideologies psurrounded

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. The author of this article is not a supporter cosmopolitanism, gigantomania, as well as the existence of man in the likeness of the existence and life of our smaller brothers, who, from the beginning of their existence on planet Earth, inhabit and live in a common space on its territory according to the rules of instinct inherent in nature in the process of evolution of living matter.

The author of this article is qualified as a systems engineer in the field of Automated Control Systems (ASU) technical and social objects of any complexity. He is not a supporter of criticism for the sake of criticism and science for the sake of science, and is a supporter of analysis based on conclusions from the analysis of the development and implementation of automated control systems by technical objects and social society, state , at the state and between states at the international level.

Despite the terrible conditions for living and creative work created by the executive power of the city. Kyiv and its structures by violating the Law during housing construction, as well as when solving the housing issue established by the benefit, and further deliberate surrounding by alcoholics and schizophrenics. The author of this article is 16-18 devotes hours without days off and holidays to creative work on projects – Terminal automated control states (TAUG) as well as a letter marker for digital coding (BMCK) allowing the implementation of complex information content of TAUG projects, BMCK, as well as a project to speed up the implementation of these two projects – organizational project Confederation of United Minds (COR).

In the process of creative work, the ideologies of generations are analyzed and conclusions are made on the use of useful norms of these ideologies for a modern democratic social society –

Primitive communal ideology


Imperialist ideology

How would you know, gentlemen, how people cry while living, so that you would not create elegies and praise God in vain while looking at our tears

T.G. Shevchenko


Communist ideology


Democratic ideology


Ideology in a social society state prohibit practically impossible, it changes with generations people living on planet Earth, it is different in its content, the content corresponds to the concepts and mentality of individual social groups of people living in a certain type of state .

Communist ideology- (USSR 1917 Mr.-1991 Mr.)

Ours fate
couplet 1, 2, 3, 4 couplet 5, 6, 7
  • poetry A. AT. Dobronravova
  • music by A.V. Pakhmutova
  • performed by Muslim Magomaev

We have a good memory:
The living do not dare to forget
Those who died for our cause,
We have no other saints.

We have a difficult character, –
We don't forgive people for lies,
We believe in quiet things,
But we don’t tolerate sonorous phrases.

We have strong faith:
All the way, that fate has released,
We will be able to pass honestly
And life won't break us.

We have happy destinies, –
We know love and tenderness.
In the struggle we burn ourselves
In the name of such love

We have working hands,
We know the price of heroism,
Our harsh times
We don’t call it ours in vain.

Mwe believe in our immortality, –
When we get tired of fighting,
Others will come to replace,
Younger and better than us...

We became adults early,
But youth rages in the heart,
And the dream sky is high
Turns blue in earthly eyes.

1985 year were replaced by others younger and ???

1990Mr. year to replace came others are younger and ???”

Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR 12/08/1991.


1991 year – 2005 year were replaced by others younger and ???



Lost Talents»,

which are for 29 summer period starting from 1991 year to 2020 years of construction of the independent state of Ukraine were enriched as a result of the loss of social well-being of the people of the state - this is the result of lack of control and imperfect legislation states. .

It is these subjects within the legal field established by the dectatorship of Natural and Legislative Law (which does not contradict Natural Law), capable of working and creating prosperity for the normal living of the people of the state, in whose territory there is no – polarization of society on any basis, living below the poverty line, regardless of the mentality of such subjects, the same minimum wage was established in all spheres of activity of the people, the final size of which is not limited by its differentiated increase according to the final indicators of the results of labor that improves the material and moral well-being of the people of the state, every single person, which is the point of assessment of the achieved final result in the state.

This ideology is embedded in the TAUG NGO PZ algorithm (tb168), as well as modern digital and IT technologies, their further progress and the progress of artificial intelligence development. What will ultimately accelerate the process of transition of evolution and development of humanity on planet Earth from the Anomalous to the Narmol era of evolution and development.

. Ernest Gevorgyan – The author of the text and the performer of the song - No one will take it with you - (Lyrics and performance below).
. Ernest Gevorgyan
is a person with a philosophical mindset, or simply a talented person, who, in a condensed form of his work, outlined the ideology of a democratic society of the third millennium in the coming normal era of human development, in which there are no flaws inherent in the society of the states of the anomalous era of human development on the planet Earth.

It has become difficult for us to live in the world, it became difficult to understand,
How can we live together in harmony?, how can we forgive offenses
We have forgotten how to live peacefully, honor has become a deficit,
Lies come first, meanness - you can’t count it

And it's all due to greed, human greed,
And, which is destroying us, and, Why are we going crazy?
Don't trade human things for worthless pennies,
Forgetting about the sacred and the purity of the soul
Don't trade human things for worthless pennies,
Forgetting about the sacred and the purity of the soul

And let the whole world hear, will try to understand:
We will leave this life and we won’t take it with us.
Not a car or money, no palace built,
Let's just take our name, what our father gave us
Not a car or money, no palace built,
Let's just take our name, what our father gave us

The greed of the fraer will destroy, the meanness of a scoundrel will kill,
Good will return for good, God Almighty will return everything
I'm not ashamed of the day I've lived, No, there will never be,
If you are pure at heart, God always lives in you

Try to do good, throw it in the water and let it carry you, Life is a boomerang effect, what do you quit?, then he will return I believe, that in our world the winner is kindness, I wish you all peace, God help you, Gentlemen! I believe, that in our world the winner is kindness, I wish you all peace, God help you, Gentlemen!

. People living in the states of planet Earth need to know and remember the existence of subjects with abnormal behavior, heads of state also need to know and remember this, about the presence of subjects with anal behavior both within the state and at the interbreed interstate levels –

So that we can live together, The state basis is obliged to be, hence, It is necessary not to polarize subjects at the state and interstate level – do not allow offense towards others like you. This will become possible under the Dictatorship of Law in society and between the states of planet Earth. History everyone eras and generations indicates that, that every generation of people has its own ideology, the authors or successors of which are the leaders and their associates, the name of which is “group democrats” their ideology is mandatory for everything social society states, this generation.

As history shows, social society makes an ideological circular movement, in which social societies have the same result - The ideological revolution is carried out by patriots from the people and the scavengers benefit from the results, immediately after its completion, or later. This ideological cycle persists in social society as a result of the natural mentality, which a person acquired as a result of the historical evolution of social society, the basis of which is the struggle for a better place in the sun by simulating practical activities for the purpose of personal enrichment at the expense of society, in people with a lack of brain synthesis to obtain progressive results for themselves and the progress of society.

An example of the application of the Dictatorship of Law in society is the US state, this is not an ideal democratic state, but one of the closest to ideally democratic in essence –

In this state, Law and the Rule of Law, is the first priority, the second priority is the financial independence of citizens, which is achieved through labor activity in the state, the third priority is the inadmissibility of citizens living in the state below the poverty line, even those citizens who, by their own conviction, do not strive to be financially independent due to their reluctance to work (as a result of being forced to live in cardboard boxes in the middle of the streets), at the same time, state authorities do not violate the right of choice of these citizens.

In this state, the ideological succession of generations is observed, thanks to which the ideology of three priorities in the state is observed.

Immigrants pose a danger to the United States in weakening and losing the achieved level of democracy (except for people endowed with the synthesis of brain activity) from states with a different type of government system, that exist on planet Earth.

The achieved level of democracy in the USA and some European Union states, as well as the level of democracy in states with a different type of ideology, creates an imbalance in the human society of planet Earth, polarize states, create an integrated imbalance and anomaly - artificial disasters on planet Earth.

The ideological cycle continues throughout time of human existence on planet Earth Maybe stop by using Terminal, automated state control (TAUG), and the arrival of a state leader younger and better than former leaders –


2019 year others have replaced younger and....

State policy

Following the course towards European integration, as well as the course in NATO, it is necessary first of all to teach the citizens of the state, regardless of their social status in the state, comply with the norms of the Constitution, Laws that comply with the Constitution, norms of By-laws, which comply with the Law, with strict adherence to the rule of law when governing the state. This requirement is an axiom for any type of state existing on planet Earth, This is especially true for a democratic state.

In the countries that are members of the European Union and NATO, the main thing is Law and the Rule of Law, this is the first priority, the second priority is the financial independence of citizens, which is achieved through labor activity in the state, the third priority is the inadmissibility of citizens living in the state below the poverty line, even those citizens who, by their own conviction, do not strive to be financially independent due to their reluctance to work (as a result of being forced to live in cardboard boxes in the middle of the streets), at the same time, state authorities do not violate the right of choice of these citizens.

about navigating the portal Mankind needs to learn

  1. Program of educational work in the family and educational institutions, including training of state personnel
  2. Program for creating jobs in the sphere of material production and services in the state
  3. Program for the construction and provision of housing for citizens in the state

Internal security in the state

  1. Program

External security in the state

  1. Program

A state is a people living on a certain territory of planet Earth., a rich state is a rich people living on its territory, a state in whose territory there are no citizens living below the poverty line, a state in which there is no segregation and discrimination of citizens on any basis.


Ideology of the people of the third millennium


Ideology of the TAUG people- NGO
TAUG – Automated State Control Terminal



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