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Open appeal Varivodes Anatoly Iosifovich (AIV) to the President of Ukraine Vladimir Alexandrovich Zelensky (VAZ), Minister of Digital Information Mikhail Albertovich Fedorov (MAF)
Varivoda aNatoly Iosifovich (AIV) specialist in the field of Automated control systems, квалификация инженер системотехника. Has 61 years of experience in creative work in the field of material production and services, полного цикла их организации, development and elimination. Обладает опытом практического осуществления этих процессов без остановки производства и уменьшения загрузки существующих мощностей, осуществляемого за счет многовариантного сетевого планирования реконструкции и перехода на новые прогрессивные виды продукции и услуг . Основной принцип AIV это достижение конечной цели творческой работы – не наука и не проекты ради публикаций, and obtaining a final practical product for one’s own development and the development of society, people of the state in which they live, regardless of what, first of all for the state on the territory of which his ancestors are buried, the ultimate goal of creative work – построение унифицированного правового государства на планете Земля. |
AIV is working on the TAUG NO PV project (planets of the universe) inhabited by Homo sapiens, starting thoroughly 2010 of the year. S 2013 work is carried out in an environment j047040, in these conditions you have to work long hours, and also rest in unbearable conditions. The abnormal habitat is compensated by the possibility of creating a real database for the analysis of negative processes of social management, based on the findings of which to implement solutions for working on the project TAUG NO PZ and PV.
S taking into account the scope and complexity of the project, а также природного ограничения времени автора, приходится в такой среде обитания работать – 18:00 hours daily, the working day begins with 06:00-07:00, continues until 24:30-25:00, (in accordance with a fixed accounting of the operation of equipment for creative work), no breaks, weekends and holidays; rest 5:00-6:00 hours.
AIV – creator of the portal – Man in an anomalous era of self-destruction and survival (CHAESV). Projects: United Mind Confederation (COR), Digital coding letter marker (BMCK), Automated State Control Terminal (TAUG). BMCK and COR позволяют реализовать сложный и объемный проект TAUG
Using TAUG developed using BMCK in government – manual control is completely eliminated, путем его замены автоматизированным управлением при котором полностью исключается присущий человеку фактор – double guns, corruption, embezzlement, низкого коэффициента профпригодности, and ethics of moral education, даже при использовании отдельной целевой subsystems TAUG or separate functional structural unit TAUG или их управляющих алгоритмов в b168 – In the state of Ukraine, within the framework of this subsystem, shortcomings associated with the human factor are automatically eliminated without any Judicial and Law Enforcement structures of the state. Precisely uncontrolled, ineffective, имитационная «деятельность» этих структур государства дополненных отсутствия в государстве объективно-эффективных программ воспитания подрастающего поколения в семье и социальном обществе государства, является фактом существующего изъяна, названного человеческим фактором в социальных обществах государств.
Based on the current situation with the binary property of patriotism and the monopoly on its definitions by double-dealers, corrupt officials, embezzlers, subjects with a low coefficient of professional suitability, and ethics of moral education - it is necessary to touch on patriotism – Патриотизм существует двух видов 1- Exponential; 2 – Объективный.
Ukraine for AIV - these are the territories of the Kherson and Donetsk regions on the first one born, on whose territory they are buried his ancestors, the second where he lived from the age of five, where did you go to school, from where he was drafted into the army, these are the territories where its creators are buried, ancestors. This is a voluntary, conscious participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986., this is g. Pripyat where he lived before 26 April 1986 Mr., this is g. Kyiv in which he lives with 1986 of the year, this is the entire territory of Ukraine without exception within the borders of 1991. AIV – Ukrainian, Ukraine is his homeland and the homeland of his ancestors, it does not depend on the likes and dislikes of the “leaders”, находившихся и находящихся при власти на всех уровнях государства, it doesn't depend on double-dealers, corrupt officials, embezzlement, subjects with a low professional suitability coefficient, and ethics of moral education, from importers of other countries – imposing their ideology of government or your path of movement, а также навязывание выбора стороны сотрудничества в структурах мирового сообщества.. This is reasonable work for the benefit of one’s own development and the progress of society.. Это принадлежность к обществу у которого радость и горе одно на всех. All these arguments and facts are evidence of objective patriotism.
AIV, didn't have, has no point of view, (point of view nе гарантирует объективную истину – black can become white or white, black), поэтому имеет только выводы от анализа происходящих процессов в Мироздании (universe), Political, Economic, Social spheres of government. The right to analysis and conclusions belongs to him as a specialist in the field of Automated Control Systems (ASU), and qualifications of a systems engineer.
Project TAUG is structurally and functionally complex, an object with a large amount of information to be digitized based on BMCK и дальнейшей ее алгоритмизации с последующей автоматизацией оцифровки информации и алгоритмов управления, programming of all functions, processes and procedures, которое сложно осуществить с применением существующих традиционных способов кодирования информации с этой целю AIV разработано BMCK to speed up the development process and large-scale implementation of the project in states existing on planet Earth by using COR making it possible to apply highly effective organizational planning and cross-functional interaction of different specialists and their structures, as well as to staff the management of the structure of the state. management. Personnel who have undergone the practice of managing the state of the third millennium by participating in business games on an analogue of the model of such a state, followed by their medical, профессиональным и ethics-нравственным тестированием на профпригодность. also in COR the possibility of attracting investors of all types on an auction competitive basis with a clear percentage of income from all types of investments in the project TAUG.
general information about Anatoly Yosypovich Varyvod (AIV) (Sun. 02 February 1944, from. Mala Oleksandrivka, Veliko Oleksandriysky district, Kherson region). WITH 1994 year. a person with a disability 3 groups, connected with the consequences of the liquidation of 1986 the year of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. U 2018 was re-registered as a war disabled person of the 1b group, on the musculoskeletal system, ампутація обох нижніх кінцівок.
1. Education
2. Employment
3. Liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster
3.1.Місцева преса про перших ліквідаторів
4. Creative activity after 2010.
5. To the knowledge of the Regional Government of. Kyiv
1. Education
1961 – 1961 — закінчив Харківську республіканську школу кіномеханіків, specialty, cinematographer (1961), extern 9 клас школи робітничої молоді
1962 – 1963 — зак%D